Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Per Mike's Request

I am typing this post live inside of an Irish Pub in Venice. For the cost of a mocha latte, I can get free wi-fi. So here it goes. Mike asked for my opinion regarding the Season Finale of Survivor. I was upset.

From the start of the season I did not like Russel. But he did play a good game. And he certainly played a better game that Mick and Natalie. All that Natalie did was partner with Russel. It is getting sort of ridiculous that partnering with the right person can be regarded as a good strategy. It's not.

And how can the tribe sit there and listen to Mick and Natalie say that they didn't lie to anyone or break any promises! I suppose they didn't. But the only reason that they could keep their noses clean was by letting Russel do all of the thinking and all of the dirty work!

I didn't want Russel to win. I wanted Brett to win. But when Brett was voted out, the winner should have been obvious!

And can you believe Shambo? Ugh. I despise her. Could you believe her comments when she was voted out? She said that the other tribe stuck with their tribe, the way it should be! And this was said after she stabbed her own tribe in the back.

I could rant more, but I think that this gives Mike what he wanted. I look forward to the next season.


1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I was just curious to see your thoughts. My whole family was rooting for Russell, but I thought almost any of the jury members played a better game than Mick and Natalie. This is the first time I think I've ever seen that somebody got rewarded for riding coat tails. Anyway, next season looks interesting. I'm not looking at any cast lists or anything, but I'm assuming Russell will be back.
