Monday, February 22, 2010

Short Review: Pirate Latitudes

I finished reading Michael Crichton's latest and last book today while sitting in an overstuffed pleather sofa at Atlanta Bread Factory. Overall, I would say that the sofa was clean and basically comfortable. The back support was somewhat lacking, and the design of the sofa forced the sitter to lie down while reading. Not a terrible idea, but if one wanted to sit upright, then they were out of luck. I was also forced to move to another location when I wanted to type into my netbook. (It's odd that netbook is not a recognized word in the spell check. The device has no idea what it is. This is concerning, or perhaps it is comforting. The netbook is not, yet, self-aware. I will keep you posted on this topic. Perhaps we will know the exact date when my netbook does become self-aware. Or, we may not, because we may be dead.) My favorite feature of the sofa was it's nice size. It has two cushions, implying that it is meant for solely 2 people, but it is huge. It could definitely hold more than two people.

Final Rating (borrowing from Mike Troxell's excellent rating system): 7 clams out of 10 olives

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