Thursday, April 24, 2014

What's Brewing?

Well, here is what is currently brewing in my bedroom:
  1. 3 Gallons of Blackberry Pinot Noir
  2. 1 Gallon of the same
  3. 3.5 Gallons of Blackberry wine, soon to be blackberry port
  4. 5 Gallons of a Belgian Tripel Beer

When I started brewing, I don't think that I ever imagined that it would require so much chemistry.  But, the more that I learn, but more that I want to make sure that the sugars, acids, and sulphites are all in balance.  And trust me on this one, it's not easy.  Well, sugar is.  But acidity?  You have your TA and your Ph.  And the two kind of move in unison, but kind of don't.  And then you learn that the very chemicals that you use to test acidity actually degrade over time.  And then you learn that you can test that chemical using another chemical.

Maybe I'll write more about this someday, possibly just to get all of my thoughts in one space.  As it stands, I now think that I know how to standardize the sodium hydroxide that is used in the tartaric acid test kits using potassium hydrogen phalate.

So that leaves SO2.  I have a meter for that.  So here's hoping that it works well.

Tonight I'm going to test the blackberry pinot for Ph and SO2 content.  I'll make any necessary adjustments and then rack them into new carboys.

Tomorrow I will hopefully rack the Blackberry Port and add .5 gallons of 190 proof everclear to fortify it and kill any yeast in the must.

And Saturday I'll rack the beer into a secondary where it will sit for 2-6 weeks before bottling.

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