Tuesday, June 22, 2010

First Day of Origins

Today is the kick off for Origins. I may or may not keep a running blog of the convention. A large part of that decision will depend on my wi-fi connection and my desire to take pictures.

We (Matt, Roderick, Ray, Jef, and I) will leave Harrisburg at 8 this morning. We will arrive in Columbus when we do (probably around 3 or 4). Then it's off to the convention. It will be slow tonight, as the convention doesn't officially start until Thursday. But there will be games to be had.

Until then, here is a picture to tide things over. This is a shot of my tape ball from when I played Ice Hockey. What does it have to do with Origins? Well, it's made of tape. Tape is an adhesive. Adhesives are mixtures that bond items together. Gaming bonds people together. YES! Score one for the good guys.

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