Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Update from Origins

We left Harrisburg around 8:30 am. We arrived in Columbus around 4:30 pm. It was a long drive. It should be around 6 hours, but we stopped for lunch and also had to pick Jef up in Mechanicsburg.

As we closed in on....

Oh screw it. I can't blog tonight. I'm too tired.

Here is a picture of the convention center:

I ate dinner with Ravindra, Justin, Bret, Jef, Mary, u, and Justin's wife. The burgers were 50% off. They were very good.

Here is another picture of the convention center. It won't be this empty on Thursday.

Then, after dinner, we played Age of Steam: Spain/Portugal. I came in second to Paul. The map was tough, and it was a harsh reintroduction to the game for Jef. And Paul, very good game!

I'm going to bed now. Have a good night.

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